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Carbon labelling: low-carbon diet for the planet and businesses - It pays to go green!

Carbon labelling: low-carbon diet for the planet and businesses

A low-carbon diet is the ultimate cleansing diet. It may not apply to humans, but it certainly applies to... the planet! Reducing carbon dioxide is the most effective way to improve the condition of the Earth's atmosphere and mitigate climate change. Reduction is not always easy to apply, so the search for other solutions continues. One of them is carbon labelling, i.e. the labelling that informs about carbon footprint on the products’ packaging. Such labelling systems raise consumers' awareness of climate change and support their greener choices.
3 min read
3 Ways to Minimize Corporate Carbon Emissions in 2022 - It pays to go green!

3 Ways to Minimize Corporate Carbon Emissions in 2022

We’re now at a point in time where we need to make big strides and drastically cut corporate carbon emissions if we want to avoid the destructive effects of climate change. In this regard, businesses should understand how significant their role is in slowing down climate change. Failing to prioritize sustainability in today’s highly industrialized world can increase the cost of doing business, encourage resource scarcity, and eventually hurt global economies.
3 min read
Eco New Year’s resolutions for a greener 2022 - It pays to go green!

Eco New Year’s resolutions for a greener 2022

Do you have a list of New Year's resolutions? Or maybe you just happened to... break one? Rest assured, it happens to the best of us. Research shows that a good proportion of people who make New Year's resolutions abandon them already in January. We encourage you to take another look at your resolutions, and include some climate and environmental goals among them!
2 min read
Paris Agreement: we need to act together! - It pays to go green!

Paris Agreement: we need to act together!

Climate is liberal: its changes affect everyone, regardless of status or citizenship. No country has the luxury of exclusive climate ownership. Systemic climate action, therefore, requires a coordinated effort. It is a long road, but the first steps have already been taken. One of the most essential joint commitments is the Paris Agreement. What does it concern, and what its objectives are? Read on!
2 min read
Cycling in Winter: Get Ready for the New Season - It pays to go green!

Cycling in Winter: Get Ready for the New Season

Sometimes a bike needs an extra push - especially when it gets a bit colder. Apart from muscle power, you sometimes need willpower to make cycling in winter and autumn as pleasant as in spring or summer. Applying these few simple tips will make your cycling season last all year long!
3 min read
A live or artificial Christmas tree? - It pays to go green!

A live or artificial Christmas tree?

Oh Christmas tree, Oh Christmas tree, can you be eco-friendly? Are you wondering which Christmas tree to buy? It's certainly worth checking a few facts before making the final decision. You can support the Christmas magic and the global climate efforts at the same time just by making the right choice. That's also some extra points with Santa!
4 min read
Climate change: a game of Jenga or a gentle hill? - It pays to go green!

Climate change: a game of Jenga or a gentle hill?

There are two ways to think about climate change: as a game of Jenga, where one block will eventually topple the whole thing, or as a gentle hill, where things start off moving slowly and you don’t notice you’re moving too fast until it’s too late to stop without serious injury.
3 min read

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10 Best Environmental Podcasts in 2023 - It pays to go green!

10 Best Environmental Podcasts in 2023

Over the past few years, podcasts’ popularity has grown enormously. On the streaming platforms, you will find plenty of interesting materials about ecology, climate change, and environmental protection in the broadest sense.
3 min read
The difference between CO2 and CO2e - It pays to go green!

The difference between CO2 and CO2e

Imagine you are going on a trip abroad. You have some money saved from previous trips in different currencies that you want to exchange for your destination country's currency. Keep this in mind for a while. It will help you understand the differences between CO2 and CO2e. The abbreviations, although they sound similar, actually have different meanings!
2 min read
Methane – Greenhouse gases - It pays to go green!

Methane – Greenhouse gases

When thinking of climate change measures, we most often associate them with reducing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Yes, CO2 has the most significant impact on climate change. However, other gases are also exacerbating global warming. This is especially true since the amount of methane reached a record high in the history of measurements last year. Find out what methane is and where its emissions come from.
3 min read
Green building is the future? - It pays to go green!

Green building is the future?

There are more than 7.7 billion people on Earth. By 2050, we are expected to number almost 10 billion. Regardless of gender, race, origin or other features, everybody needs a place to live permanently or at least temporarily. Construction investments of all kinds are therefore vital for the environment. While striving to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, one should remember the opportunities offered by the green building.
3 min read