Is “going green” still a gray area? Our blog will guide you through the twists and turns of eco-living. Read about the latest news from the world of ecology, get inspiring tips on how to lower your carbon footprint, and see what TerGo does for the planet. Knowledge is the key to success!

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Blog Carbon Footprint Carbon Insetting Carbon Offsetting Eco news Science & Nature Sustainability Business TerGo News Think Green
What Is a Carbon Footprint? - It pays to go green!

What Is a Carbon Footprint?

A carbon footprint refers to the total amount of carbon dioxide emissions produced by something or someone. This includes all actions and points within a value chain or any services used that produce CO2.
2 min read
Meal kits vs Grocery shopping: What’s the carbon deal? - It pays to go green!

Meal kits vs Grocery shopping: What’s the carbon deal?

Meal kits seem like an incredible waste of energy, with excess packaging and excess emissions from delivery. But then the pandemic hit and getting groceries delivered sometimes became either a necessity or a more fitting idea. But the thought of meal kits still seemed more wasteful, at least to some people, including think tank researchers. 
3 min read
Top 10 online sustainable shops in 2022 - It pays to go green!

Top 10 online sustainable shops in 2022

What does it mean for an online store to be sustainable, and is it even possible to implement sustainability principles in the e-commerce sector? While it would seem that the growing interest in online shopping is a trend that positively impacts the environment, this is not quite the case. Online shopping certainly has a lower carbon footprint than traveling to a stationary store for the same product. However, the emissions that e-commerce generates (especially if you think about things like multiple product returns) are still very high.
5 min read
How to use the Check Your Event calculator? - It pays to go green!

How to use the Check Your Event calculator?

Organising events is challenging as it implies making many decisions. For example, you must decide upon the location, programme, catering, duration, marketing and transport, to name just a few. And on top of that, each decision leaves a carbon footprint. Can you do something to enjoy offline events without harming the planet? We have good news - the carbon footprint of any event can be reduced or even zeroed out!
5 min read
E-commerce sustainability: 7 ways your brand can reduce its carbon footprint in 2022 - It pays to go green!

E-commerce sustainability: 7 ways your brand can reduce its carbon footprint in 2022

Green will never go out of fashion. Whether your business revolves around clothing and accessories or unit injectors and radiators, green symbolises care for the environment and the climate, which should always be close to everyone's heart. Certainly, eco-conscious consumers are more likely to choose companies that act by their values. Therefore, a reduced e-commerce carbon footprint pays off for businesses and the planet regardless of the industry. Here are seven ways to turn e-commerce into eco-commerce.
3 min read
The individual carbon footprint and how to count it – a guide for 2022 - It pays to go green!

The individual carbon footprint and how to count it – a guide for 2022

What do your neighbours, school friends, your cousin's uncle's dog, your cousin's brother-in-law's dog and even Keanu Reeves and his neighbours have in common? Every living being, regardless of where they live or their lifestyle, leaves an imprint on the environment. In this article, you can learn about the individual carbon footprint and an easy-to-use and highly accurate tool to help you track and reduce it. A carbon footprint calculator is here to help. Both you and the planet will benefit!
3 min read

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10 Best Environmental Podcasts in 2023 - It pays to go green!

10 Best Environmental Podcasts in 2023

Over the past few years, podcasts’ popularity has grown enormously. On the streaming platforms, you will find plenty of interesting materials about ecology, climate change, and environmental protection in the broadest sense.
3 min read
The difference between CO2 and CO2e - It pays to go green!

The difference between CO2 and CO2e

Imagine you are going on a trip abroad. You have some money saved from previous trips in different currencies that you want to exchange for your destination country's currency. Keep this in mind for a while. It will help you understand the differences between CO2 and CO2e. The abbreviations, although they sound similar, actually have different meanings!
2 min read
Methane – Greenhouse gases - It pays to go green!

Methane – Greenhouse gases

When thinking of climate change measures, we most often associate them with reducing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Yes, CO2 has the most significant impact on climate change. However, other gases are also exacerbating global warming. This is especially true since the amount of methane reached a record high in the history of measurements last year. Find out what methane is and where its emissions come from.
3 min read
Green building is the future? - It pays to go green!

Green building is the future?

There are more than 7.7 billion people on Earth. By 2050, we are expected to number almost 10 billion. Regardless of gender, race, origin or other features, everybody needs a place to live permanently or at least temporarily. Construction investments of all kinds are therefore vital for the environment. While striving to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, one should remember the opportunities offered by the green building.
3 min read

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TerGo blog – your key to eco-living. Get inpiring tips and see how to lower your carbon footprint.
No one can turn the tide of climate change alone. TerGo is a platform that joins the efforts of individuals and companies willing to create a carbon-free future.
Read our blog to stay informed with news from the eco-world. We focus on reducing carbon balance through carbon credits. This is the TerGo way of paving the way to a greener future for the entire humanity.